Kansas City Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements

Protecting Your Property During, Prior to Marriage or Divorce

When wedding bells are ringing, the last thing on your mind is probably your non-marital property and assets. However, protecting your property now can save you a lot of trouble down the line. While no one wants to think about potentially divorcing their spouse in the future, prenuptial agreements offer protection for both parties in the case of a divorce.

Prenuptial agreements are valuable tools that all soon-to-be-married couples should look into. If you’re interested in a marital agreement or you’d like to learn more about your options, a family law attorney on our team can help. We will review your current assets and your goals for the future to determine the right kind of agreement for you. We can also review an agreement proposed by your future spouse to ensure it’s fair for both of you.

Call Fisher Law for family law solutions in Kansas City today at 816-307-9752 to learn more.

What is a Prenuptial Agreement?

A prenuptial agreement describes all assets, property, and debts owed by each partner and what will happen to these assets in the event of a divorce or death of either party. It is created before the couple is married.

A legally valid prenuptial agreement may include variations of the following:

  • A disclosure of all assets, income, and debt from each spouse
  • A list of court-ordered maintenance being paid or received (like spousal support or child support)
  • Instructions for paying premarital debts
  • Instructions for spousal support payments in the event of a divorce
  • Decisions on how premarital property will be divided in the event of a divorce
  • Plans for medical care, disability insurance, and death benefits

Prenuptial agreements must be entered into freely and voluntarily. Both spouses must have the opportunity to consult with a lawyer before signing the agreement. If one party feels they were pressed into signing or did not have time to consult with a legal team, then the prenuptial agreement may not hold up in court.

Prenuptial agreements can be customized to meet your needs. If there’s a pressing issue you feel strongly about, a lawyer on our team can work with you to include instructions in the document. Prenuptial agreements are beneficial for every couple and can take away a lot of the guesswork that could happen during a divorce.

How Are Prenuptial Agreements Enforced?

If you and your spouse ever decide to get a divorce, you can use your prenuptial agreement to guide your divorce terms. Once a prenuptial agreement is completed, both parties keep a copy to use in their records. Prenuptial agreements can also dictate the division of assets at death.

Do You Need to Contact a Prenuptial Agreement Attorney?

Prenuptial agreements may not be the most exciting thing to consider, but they offer protection for you and your future spouse. An experienced family law attorney on our team will ensure that you are protected in the event of a divorce so you have the peace of mind you need as you enter into marriage.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out today. Contact Fisher Law by calling 816-307-9752.

Kansas City Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements