
What Are the Grounds for Modifying a Divorce Decree?

What Are the Grounds for Modifying a Divorce Decree?

What To Do When Your Divorce Decree Stops Working Even Divorce Decrees made in the best circumstances, with co-parents who get along, still have situations in which stress and time can negatively impact both the parents and the children, which eventually requires a...

How to Modify Child Custody Agreements in Kansas City

How to Modify Child Custody Agreements in Kansas City

Can Your Child Custody Arrangement Be Changed? Every child and every child custody case is unique. If you are a divorced parent living in or near Kansas City, or if you are divorcing, considering, or expecting a divorce in the near future, it is essential to have the...

How to Talk to Children About Divorce

How to Talk to Children About Divorce

Divorce is a complex and challenging process for everyone involved, and when it comes to breaking the news to children, parents often find themselves grappling with the delicate task of addressing their emotions and concerns. Telling children about divorce requires...

How to Talk to Children About Divorce

Annulment vs. Divorce: What’s the Difference?

When marriages encounter challenges, couples often explore legal avenues to bring closure to their relationships. Two common options are annulment and divorce. While both serve the purpose of ending a marriage, they differ significantly in their legal implications and...
